People with Disability: Their Perceived Stress, Education and Intervention


  • Hijam Naobi Clinical Psychologist and research scholar at Manipur University, Manipur, India



Disability, Perceived Stress, Education, Intervention


People with disabilities have been facing difficulties not only from the imitations of their physical and mental capabilities but from the social, political and cultural factors. With their given abilities they try to adjust to the so called normal society. This remains far from expected as they have to face limitless challenges every single day. They most often have high level of perceived stress owing to the challenges which affect their normal adjustment to the society and the process of education. Internationally and nationally policies to aid them integrate to the mainstream have being acknowledged. Education not just skill training but education focused on psychological coping skill are aptly called for. Following which each individual can live a fulfilling life. The paper uses secondary data to depict the existing government policies and studies done by other researchers in this area. It contends that a flexible education module focused not only education but an amalgamation of their coping capacity is a must.


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How to Cite

Hijam Naobi. (2022). People with Disability: Their Perceived Stress, Education and Intervention. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).