An in-depth Analysis of How the Media Influences Young Adults’ Body Image


  • Harshita Mann Student, BA (H) Psychology, II Sem, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad, India
  • Harshita Goyal Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad, India



Body Image, Social Media, Body Dissatisfaction, Appearance Comparison, Ideal Body


This study focuses on a theoretical understanding of the relationship between media and the body image of young adults. Social and traditional media have made a significant impact on one’s self-satisfaction with their own body. Young adults use social comparison as an important tool to establish their self-concept, making it an important psychological construct in understanding the impact of media on body image. Appearance comparisons with the said ideal body lead to body dissatisfaction, surveillance, and self-objectification ultimately contributing to feelings of insecurity and low self-worth. The main purpose of this research is to get a deeper insight into the psychological consequences of media on the body image of young adults, using literature studies.  This research investigates 30 research papers dated from 2014-2024 which have been studied from ResearchGate, Shodhganga, Google Scholar, PubMed, various journals, etc. Many experimental, longitudinal, and correlational studies suggest that prolonged exposure to social media increases body dissatisfaction. Body perfection portrayed in mass media increases appearance-related discussions among peers which thus leads to perceptual distortion of one’s own body. Social media and body image is an emerging areas for research, and it contains many gaps in knowledge that need further exploration. It is important to promote media literacy and critical thinking skills among youth. Encouraging them to question and analyze the messages portrayed in media can help them develop a healthier perspective on body image.


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How to Cite

Harshita Mann, & Harshita Goyal. (2022). An in-depth Analysis of How the Media Influences Young Adults’ Body Image. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).