Objectification of Women Flight Attendants: Ways and Effects


  • Bhanupriya Slathia Research scholar, University of Jammu, India




Working Women, Flight Attendants, Objectification, Society


Women are working in almost all the fields along with men in present times and in the journey of economic empowerment and equality of working status, women have come across new sets of issues as well as hopes in their lives. Women are working in all the departments in airlines as well. There are different roles and responsibilities for different positions. Women working as flight attendants and ground staff are objectified in this industry as they wear uniforms and often their images are used for advertisement and branding for the airlines. There are many challenges faced by women in the society who are utilised as commodities. The present research paper is an attempt to understand different areas where women flight attendants are directly or indirectly objectified and the issues they face because of this.


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How to Cite

Bhanupriya Slathia. (2022). Objectification of Women Flight Attendants: Ways and Effects. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1202.338