Effects of Death Anxiety on Smoking Behaviour and Perception of Future among Young Adults


  • Mansha Gaur Student
  • Dr. Vibha Yadava Assistant Professor




Death Anxiety (DA), Smoking Behaviour, Perception of Future (PF), Young Adults


This study investigated the Death Anxiety (DA), Smoking Behaviour and Perception of Future (PF) of young adults under the age group of 18-30. The study included a total of 100 young adults, consisting of 50 males along with 50 females using purposive sampling method. This study investigated the relationship between death anxiety, cigarette dependence, and future anxiety. While a positive correlation was found between death anxiety and future anxiety, there was no significant association between death anxiety and cigarette dependence. Interestingly, a significant positive correlation emerged between cigarette dependence and future anxiety. These findings suggest that death anxiety may not directly influence smoking behavior, but individuals with high death anxiety are more likely to experience heightened future anxiety. Furthermore, cigarette dependence appears to be an independent risk factor for future anxiety.


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How to Cite

Mansha Gaur, & Dr. Vibha Yadava. (2022). Effects of Death Anxiety on Smoking Behaviour and Perception of Future among Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1202.351