Construction and Standardization of an Advertising Appeals Scale


  • Durga Patil Student, Department of Liberal Arts, MIT World Peace University
  • Dr. Vishal Ghule Program Director, Department of Liberal Arts, MIT World Peace University



Construction, Standardization, Advertising Appeals Scale


The objective of this study was to construct a standardized tool to measure two types of advertising appeals: Rational Appeal and Emotional Appeal. The survey included a demographic questionnaire and a self-report measure. The study comprised of two pilot studies and a main study. There were 100 participants for the first pilot study, 50 participants for the second pilot study, and 306 participants for the main study. All participants were Indian and above the age of 18. Cronbach’s Alpha and Principal Component Analysis were used to analyse data and report results for research questions. Findings in the study revealed that the total scale and both sub-scales have acceptable internal consistency. The data was loaded into two factors: Rational Appeal and Emotional Appeal. The current study contributes to bridging a gap in the field of consumer behaviour with relevance to the accessibility of standardized tools. However, there is still a need for further investigation to set accurate norms and validate the scale in specific settings.


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How to Cite

Durga Patil, & Dr. Vishal Ghule. (2022). Construction and Standardization of an Advertising Appeals Scale. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2).