Emotional Attachment and Perceived Support and Their Impact on the Wellbeing among Young Adults


  • Anshika Aggarwal Student
  • Dr. Pankaj Singh Assistant Professor




Emotional Attachment, Perceived Social Support, Well-Being, Young Adults


A person’s emotional relationship or connection to another person, thing, or circumstance is referred to as emotional attachment. A person’s subjective sense or belief that they can get assistance from their social network, including family, friends, and other important individuals in their lives, is known as perceived social support. An individual is said to be in a state of one’s well being if they feel satisfied, joyous, and generally satisfied with their life. It includes a variety of aspects of life, such as one’s bodily well-being, emotional and psychological well-being, social connections, and individual accomplishments. The study’s objective investigates the relationship between emotional attachment, perceived social support, and well-being in young adults, and also how these factors affect young adults’ well-being. The emotional attachment and perceived social support are hypothesised to be important predictors of young adults’ psychological well-being. The study consisted of a sample size of 162 college students (81 females & 81 males) within the age group of 18-23 years. For this study, Adult Attachment Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Psychological Well-being Scale were utilised and the data that was gathered was analysed by correlation and regression. According to the study’s findings, there is a significant relationship among emotional attachment as well as well-being and that both the variables have a negative relationship with each other, while perceived social support and well-being are not statistically correlated.


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How to Cite

Anshika Aggarwal, & Dr. Pankaj Singh. (2022). Emotional Attachment and Perceived Support and Their Impact on the Wellbeing among Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1202.421