Correlation between Locus of Control, Occupational Stress, Job Involvement and Psychological Well-being: A Comparative study of Sahayak Police and Permanent Police Employees


  • Dr. Jitubhai R.Khaniya Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Anand Arts College, Anand, Gujarat, India



Locus of Control, Occupational Stress, Job Involvement and Psychological Well-Being


Psychological Factors of Sahayak Police and Permanent Police are examined in the Present Research. Sample of 360 policy employees are selected as sample using 2×2×2 Psychological well-being factorial research design randomly. Locus of Control scale, Occupational Stress, Job Involvement and Psychological Well-being scale are used for collection of data. Correlation method (r) is used for statistical analysis. Result of the present research study is as under Ho1: Correlation seen between Locus of Control and Occupational stress of Police Employees. Ho2: Correlation seen between Locus of Control and Job Involvement of Police Employees. Ho3: Correlation seen between Locus of Control and Psychological Well-Being of Police Employees. Ho4: Correlation seen between Occupational stress and Job Involvement of Police Employees. Ho5: Correlation seen between Occupational stress and Psychological Well-Being of Police Employees. Ho6: Correlation seen between Job Involvement and Psychological Well-being of Policy Employees.


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How to Cite

Dr. Jitubhai R.Khaniya. (2022). Correlation between Locus of Control, Occupational Stress, Job Involvement and Psychological Well-being: A Comparative study of Sahayak Police and Permanent Police Employees. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 10(2).