A Study of Job Satisfaction among Government and Private College Teachers of Jammu District


  • Bindu Jamwal Dept. of Education, Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India
  • Dr. Mohd. Zubair Kales Associate Professor, Govt. College of Education, Jammu, India




Job Satisfaction, Government, Private, Teachers


The present study was carried on job satisfaction among teachers serving in Government and Private colleges of Jammu city. In the present study, the investigator was concerned about the job satisfaction of teachers. Teachers play key role in the improvement of education. Professor K.G. Saiyidain rightly observes, “that teaching is still an unattractive profession which many persons take up as last resort”. The learned educationists attribute this fact to two reasons. Poor financial prospects which discourage ambitious and intelligent people from financing it and lack of social esteem for the profession. The present study is concerned with job satisfaction among college teachers. It is generally found that job satisfaction is closely related to one’s efficiency. A dissatisfied worker may not be able to do his job efficiently inspite of his ability to do it well. The teaching community which is one of the largest work forces in the country affords the lives of thousands of people and ultimately the destiny of nation itself. If there is no job satisfaction among the teaching community, it will led the nation towards destruction and no other member of the community can uplift the dignity and honour of the nation. The objectives if the study were to study the significance of differences in Job Satisfaction between Government and private college teachers, to study that the teachers reach at that position according to their qualification and abilities and to study the interactional difference in Job satisfaction of gender and type of colleges. In the present investigation the sample was selected randomly from the teachers working in Govt. and private colleges in Jammu city. The total sample of the teachers is 100 (50 male and 50 female college teachers). For testing of significant differences in the Job-satisfaction scores of male and female teachers working in Govt. and Private colleges. The investigation applied the technique of Two-Way Analysis of Variance. Job satisfaction scale was administered to the teachers working in Govt. and Private colleges. The conclusions can be drawn on the basis of the results obtained in present study is there is no significant difference in the Job satisfaction between Govt. and Private college teachers. There is no significant difference in the Job satisfaction between male and female teachers and there are no significant interactional difference in (level of teaching and sex) when job satisfaction is taken as criterion.


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How to Cite

Bindu Jamwal, & Dr. Mohd. Zubair Kales. (2018). A Study of Job Satisfaction among Government and Private College Teachers of Jammu District. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 6(4). https://doi.org/10.25215/0604.003