Psychological Empowerment through SHGs: Influence of Selected Demographic Factors


  • Sudheendra Rao Director, Institute of Management Studies, Sri Vijaya Mahantesh Vidyavardhaka Sangha Ilkal-587125, India
  • L.N , Varsha P.S Research Scholar, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi-590018, India
  • Lancy D’Souza Associate Professor of Psychology, Maharaja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysuru-570005, India



women empowerment, psychological empowerment, self-help groups.


The motive of the research was focused on the Self-help groups of Stree Shakthi Scheme members on psychological empowerment of selected demographic factors. In this study an attempt was made to assess whether self-help groups influence women members in increasing their confidence level and communication skills. Further, if the schemes enable the members to take on new challenges in the life. Primary data was collected from a structured questionnaire using quota sampling. The sample size was351 respondents who were selected though quota sampling from Stree Shakthi Scheme members from 2 districts of Karnataka State. Data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that Scheme employed had a significant impact on the improving psychological empowerment of members. Further, demographic variables such as age, experience, and loan availed significantly influenced the psychological empowerment of the SHG members.  However, other factors like number of children, income, and education of SHG members did not have significant influence over increasing psychological empowerment. The inferences are favourable for the policy decisions, and they can study other schemes for psychological perspective.


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How to Cite

Sudheendra Rao, L.N , Varsha P.S, & Lancy D’Souza. (2018). Psychological Empowerment through SHGs: Influence of Selected Demographic Factors. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 6(4).