Strategic Insights: Understanding the Interplay of Adaptability and Consistency in Multinational and National Organizations


  • Ms. Abhilasha Varma Research Scholar, School of Liberal Arts and Management, PP Savani University, Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Prof. Aparna Vajpayee Professor, School of Liberal Arts and Management, PP Savani University, Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Prof. Parag Sanghani Provost, PP Savani University, Surat, Gujarat, India



Organizational Culture, Adaptability, Consistency, Multinational Companies, Cross-cultural Management, Resilient Cultures, Cultural Nuances, Organizational Performance


This research delves into the intricate dynamics of organizational cultures, specifically focusing on the dimensions of adaptability and consistency. Through a comprehensive study involving 2 multinational and 2 national companies, the research analyzes key components such as creative change, customer focus, core values, agreement, and coordination and integration. The findings reveal that multinational companies exhibit significantly higher adaptability, driven particularly by strong scores in creative change and organizational learning. Although no significant disparities were identified in overall consistency scores, multinational organizations consistently demonstrated higher scores across core values, agreement, and coordination and integration. The study emphasizes the interdependence of adaptability and consistency traits, providing actionable insights for leaders aiming to foster resilient and effective organizational cultures. While the research has certain limitations, such as a reliance on self-reported data and a cross-sectional design, it lays a foundation for future explorations into the nuanced dimensions of organizational dynamics across diverse global contexts.


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How to Cite

Ms. Abhilasha Varma, Prof. Aparna Vajpayee, & Prof. Parag Sanghani. (2022). Strategic Insights: Understanding the Interplay of Adaptability and Consistency in Multinational and National Organizations. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).