Internalised Homophobia and Interpersonal Relationship: A Systematic Review


  • Hiranmira Balasubramaniam Student, Birbeck University, United Kingdom.
  • John Alex Psychologist



Internalised homophobia, Interpersonal relationships, Homosexuality, Same-sex couples, Healthy relationship quality, Minority stress


This systematic review aims to study the relationship between internalised homophobia and relationship quality among Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual individuals. Although the type of relationship is not specified, romantic relationships have been focused upon. There is very little research conducted along the same vein, and this review aims to act as an informative source for those who wish to widen their perspective. Five electronic databases were used to find research articles, the search terms used were: internalised homophobia, relationship quality, minority stress in LGB, same-sex relationships, and homophobia. The results tell us that internalised homophobia does affect the quality of interpersonal relations that an individual may have. Research also points out that internalised homophobia may hurt an individual’s self-esteem and also affect their connectivity with the LGB community.  The findings are useful to gain insight no how LGB people are affected by the discrimination they face in a heteronormative society.


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How to Cite

Hiranmira Balasubramaniam, & John Alex. (2022). Internalised Homophobia and Interpersonal Relationship: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).