The Relationship between Personality Trait: Conscientiousness and Marital Satisfaction


  • Humaira Noorani A. Clinical Psychologist



Big Five Inventory (BFI), Conscientiousness, Couple Satisfaction Inventory (CSI), Married couples, Personality


Personality is the more or less stable and enduring organisation of a person’s character, temperament, intellect, and physique, which determine his unique adjustment to the environment (Eysenck, 1971). Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience are a group of five variables that are the most popular model of personality structure known as The Big Five. Conscientious person is dependable, careful, disciplined, responsible, persistence, determination, success-oriented, tenacious, aspirational, pertaining to professional triumph, succeeded in the fields of learning and education, goal- directed behaviour, thinks through before acting, uphold social norms and standards, organise, plan, and prioritise tasks. Marital satisfaction can be defined as the attitude an individual has towards his or her own marital relationship (King, M.E,2016). This research aims to study the relationship between Personality Trait: Conscientiousness and Marital Satisfaction. Research was conducted on sample size of 74 married participants from the age group of 30 to 55 years, participants were married for at least 10 years and up to 25 years. Tools used for data collection – The Couple Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Big Five Inventory (BFI). The statistical method used was correlation. This study hypothesized that there will be a statistically significant relationship between Personality Trait: Conscientiousness and Marital Satisfaction. Data was analysed using SPSS software, results indicated that there was a statistically significant relationship between Personality trait: Conscientiousness and Marital Satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Humaira Noorani A. (2022). The Relationship between Personality Trait: Conscientiousness and Marital Satisfaction. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).