Elementary Teachers: Their Identification and Effectiveness in UT of J&K (INDIA)


  • Syed Iram Tabish School of Education, Central University of Kashmir Ganderbal, India.
  • Prof. Syed Zahoor Ahmad Geelani School of Education, Central University of Kashmir Ganderbal, India.
  • Gh Jeelani Bhat School of Education, Central University of Kashmir Ganderbal, India.




Education, Teacher, Teacher Effectiveness and Identification


The most imperative factor in educational reconstruction is the teacher – his personal qualities, his educational qualification, his professional training and the place he occupies in the school as well as the community (Kothari commission report). Teacher is the strategic element of any education system. Any educational process is regulated by teacher. The best of the educational devices and agendas cannot achieve success if they lack effective teachers. For effective teacher, the child or learner is like an opportunity to create something novel. The study identifies the ‘effective and ineffective’ elementary school teachers of Kashmir Valley, U.T of Jammu and Kashmir (India). Results from the study reported that 27% teachers are effective, 27 % are ineffective and the rest of the 46 % are the average teachers. When we compare effective and ineffective teachers on various domains of teacher effectiveness, it revealed that effective teachers scored high on all the four factors of teacher effectiveness in comparison to their ineffective counterparts.


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How to Cite

Syed Iram Tabish, Prof. Syed Zahoor Ahmad Geelani, & Gh Jeelani Bhat. (2022). Elementary Teachers: Their Identification and Effectiveness in UT of J&K (INDIA). International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1201.063