Exploring Attachment Styles in The Era of Digital Connectivity: A Narrative Review of Detox Behaviours


  • Durgeshwary Kolhe UG Student, Amity University Mumbai, Maharashtra.
  • Dr. Mehvish Assistant Professor, Amity University Mumbai, Maharashtra.




Attachment Styles, Digital Connectivity, Detox Behavior and Age, Attachment Patterns, Technology and Relationships


This article presents a narrative review exploring into attachment styles within the context of digital connectivity, particularly focusing on detox behaviors. A comprehensive literature search across PubMed, Science Direct, and various electronic databases initially identified 52 citations. Following screening, 28 articles were excluded due to a lack of emphasis on technology and relationships, with insufficient attention to attachment styles or detox behaviors. The subsequent in-depth analysis concentrated on 24 articles, aiming to understand the complicated interplay between attachment styles, detox behaviors, and their manifestation in the digital age. Given the diverse nature of available publications, a narrative review approach was adopted, prioritizing observational studies and synthesizing key themes from relevant sources. The exploration underscores the fine relationship between attachment styles and digital detox behaviors. Anxiously attached individuals may grapple with detachment, while avoidantly attached individuals might resist detox, preferring isolation. Securely attached individuals demonstrate a balanced approach. This understanding offers a valuable framework for interventions, facilitating personalized strategies for cultivating healthier digital habits and overall well-being. In conclusion, the article underscores the necessity for ongoing research to contribute to more effective strategies for fostering balanced relationships with technology in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Durgeshwary Kolhe, & Dr. Mehvish. (2022). Exploring Attachment Styles in The Era of Digital Connectivity: A Narrative Review of Detox Behaviours. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1201.072