Science Process Skills: A Trend Analysis of Research
Science Process Skills, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary LevelAbstract
The trend of science process skills was investigated through systematic analysis. A systematics study involves 23 research articles available on Scopus from 2019 to 2024. The trends in science process skills in school are focused at three levels, such as the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. These three levels are organized in such a way that the science process involves basic and integrated skills, methodologies of teaching, and learning environments. At the primary level, research reveals that new strategies did not make a significant impact on the scientific process. Guided discovery appeared helpful to most students for improving both basic and integrated science process skills. At the secondary level, the research disclosed that students’ attitudes and learning motivations influenced science process skills. At this level, inquiry-based learning, guided inquiry, and digital applications enhance the students’ science process skills. Science process skills vary with respect to types of schools and gender. At the tertiary level, the research proved that computer simulations and animations and inquiry-based laboratory activities assist students in learning science process skills. The results showed little difference in science process skills among primary school students, and secondary students showed an increase in science process skills while applying new approaches.Metrics
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How to Cite
Anjugam R, & Prof. ChellamaniK. (2022). Science Process Skills: A Trend Analysis of Research. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).