Relationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation and Self Esteem among Young Adults


  • Najah Ummer



Fear of Negative Evaluation, Self Esteem, Young Adults, Social Anxiety


People with high fear of negative evaluation have a lot of difficulty interacting with people due to the fear of being scrutinized or judged as evident in the study. In the present study, the researcher examines the relationship between Fear of negative Evaluation and Self Esteem among Young Adults. The data was collected using the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale by Leary, M. R. (1983) and the State Self Esteem Scale by Heatherton and Polivy (1991), analyzed the collected data using statistical tests like correlation and t-test using SPSS version 22. The results revealed that, Fear of negative Evaluation and Self Esteem among Young Adults are negatively correlated, Fear of negative Evaluation is higher in women than in men. Also, self-esteem is higher in males than females. Finally, the study recommends proper counseling and psychological assistance for young adults with low self-esteem and high fear of negative evaluation.


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How to Cite

Najah Ummer. (2022). Relationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation and Self Esteem among Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).