A Study to Understand the Relationship of Sports Motivation and Perception of Success on Performance Satisfaction among Sportsperson


  • Kathan Kaur Shah Student, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida
  • Dr. Seema Singh Associate Professor, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida




Sports Motivation, Performance Satisfaction, Perception of Success


This study aims to explore the relationship between sports motivation and perception of success on performance satisfaction among sportspersons using a survey method. A group of currently active athletes from a variety of sports were employed as a sample for this research. The athletes were given a questionnaire to fill out that probed their thoughts on sports motivation, self-perception, and the rewards of hard work. The study’s findings demonstrated a correlation between athletes’ levels of motivation and their level of satisfaction with their own performances. Those who were most satisfied with their performances were the ones who reported the highest levels of sports motivation. The research also discovered a correlation between athletes’ sense of accomplishment and their level of contentment with their own performances. Those who saw themselves as winners in their sports were more pleased with their own performances. The study’s results imply that sports motivation and the way athletes see their own accomplishment play a significant role in determining how happy they are with their own performances. Therefore, it is important for coaches and trainers to work with athletes to increase their sports motivation and foster a healthy view of accomplishment in order to boost their performance satisfaction. For a fuller picture of this phenomena, additional study into the elements that affect athletes’ happiness with their performances is needed.


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How to Cite

Kathan Kaur Shah, & Dr. Seema Singh. (2022). A Study to Understand the Relationship of Sports Motivation and Perception of Success on Performance Satisfaction among Sportsperson. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1201.106