Comparative Analysis of Self- Esteem and Resilience amongst Working and Non -Working Women


  • Dr. Sakshi Kaul Professor IILM University
  • Aarshi Matta MA Psychology Student G. D. Goenka University



Resilience, Self-Esteem, Working Women, Non-working women


Working women as compared to non-working women face stressors like their job, the head or the manager is too demanding and one of the biggest challenges they face is their management between their professional lives and their personal lives whereas the non-working only have to look on their household chores and did not have any other work-related stress. The current study focuses on comparing the self-esteem and resilience of working & non-working women. The total sample in this study consisted of (N=140) women living in Delhi NCR. The sample comprised of Non -Working-Women and Working Women within the age range of 22-40years. In this research the working women are teachers, working women working in corporate sectors and non-working women include Homemakers. For the study, quantitative analysis was done to find the difference between the two groups. T-Test was done. Mean was calculated and standard- deviation calculated for both the groups. Significance difference between the two group were calculated. The analysis of the current study shows that working women have more resilience & self-esteem, this can be attributed to the sense of independence that working women experience in comparison to non-working women.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sakshi Kaul, & Aarshi Matta. (2022). Comparative Analysis of Self- Esteem and Resilience amongst Working and Non -Working Women. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).