Factors Influencing Mental Help Seeking among Youth in Delhi-NCR


  • Diksha Tamta Student, Applied Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi
  • Janvi Joshi Student, Applied Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi
  • Shagun Karn Student, Applied Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi




Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Literacy, Mental Help Seeking Behavior


In contemporary society, there is a noticeable increase in the youth’s vocalization and acknowledgment of mental health issues. However, it remains unclear whether this heightened awareness translates into increased help-seeking behaviors. This study aims to explore the factors influencing mental health awareness and help-seeking behaviors among young adults in Delhi-NCR, India. A qualitative research design was employed, involving semi-structured interviews with six participants purposely selected to ensure diversity. Thematic analysis revealed several key findings. Participants exhibited awareness of mental health issues but faced significant barriers to seeking help, including societal stigma, lack of emotional support, financial constraints, limited accessibility to services, and governmental inaction. Stigma surrounding mental health, particularly rooted in traditional beliefs and gender norms, emerged as a significant deterrent to seeking professional help. Moreover, participants expressed limited mental health literacy, relying on unreliable sources for information. Financial constraints and lack of accessibility to mental health services further hindered help-seeking behaviors. Participants underscored the crucial role of supportive relationships and witnessing their friends having positive experiences with therapy in facilitating help-seeking. The study highlights the urgent need for de-stigmatization efforts, comprehensive mental health education, and accessible services to address barriers and promote mental well-being among young adults in India. Additionally, governmental initiatives are warranted to provide affordable and readily accessible mental health services. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of mental health awareness and help-seeking behaviors among youth, offering insights for the development of targeted interventions and policies to address mental health challenges effectively.


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How to Cite

Diksha Tamta, Janvi Joshi, & Shagun Karn. (2022). Factors Influencing Mental Help Seeking among Youth in Delhi-NCR. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1201.141