Compassion Focused Therapy in the Indian Context: A Perspective
Compassion Focused Therapy, India, Psychotherapy, KarunaAbstract
Compassion has been a topic of interest among mental health professionals. Compassion-based approaches are found to be promising in uplifting mental health. This paper aims to discuss the utility of investigating Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) in the Indian context as the Eastern teachings of Karuna inform it. The author mainly focused on the elements of CFT and its variations across cultures. Furthermore, emphasis is given to being cautious in following Western psychotherapies in the Indian context. Along similar lines, how CFT imbibes the Indian ethos and values is discussed to understand its suitability in the local context. This paper explores a critical perspective on using CFT in the Indian context by shedding light on its epistemological underpinnings. The article advocates for honouring the uniqueness of the local context in implementing Western psychotherapies.Metrics
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How to Cite
Pramita Sengupta, & Priya Saxena. (2022). Compassion Focused Therapy in the Indian Context: A Perspective. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).