Life Satisfaction Among Working and Non-Working Women
Life Satisfaction, Area and Working and Non-Working WomenAbstract
The assessment of an individual’s quality of life is known as life satisfaction. It is evaluated in terms of a person’s mental state, level of satisfaction with relationships, goals achieved, self-perceived abilities for coping, and self-concept. A positive outlook on life is a necessary component of life satisfaction, not an evaluation of one’s present feelings. Life satisfaction has been measured in connection to a number of factors, including residence, experiences, education level, and economic standing. The purpose of the present study is to determine the level of life satisfaction among working and non-working women in urban and rural locations. The sample of the study will comprise 120 working and non-working women. The sample randomly selected through random method from various urban and rural area in Panchamahal district in Gujarat state as per the requirement of the research design of this study. Life satisfaction scale developed by Dr. Pramodkumar and Dr. Jayshree Dhyani were used to collect data. Level of Life satisfaction measured by the result indicates that there is significant difference between working and non-working women on life satisfaction but there is not significant difference between women living in urban and rural area on life satisfaction and interaction effect of working – non-working women and area not significantly differ on life satisfaction score.Metrics
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How to Cite
Yogesh V. Machhi, & Prof. Dr. Indrajitsinh D. Thakor. (2022). Life Satisfaction Among Working and Non-Working Women. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).