Effect of Internet Addiction on Aggression among Indian Adults


  • Shivam Student, Department of Psychology, D.J. College Baraut(Baghpat)
  • Kanak Tomar Student, Department of Psychology, D.J. College Baraut(Baghpat)




Internet addiction, Aggression, Gender, ANOVA, Mean, Adults


The objective of this research paper was to find out the effect of internet addiction on aggression among adults in India. This study included one dependent variable, aggression, and two independent variables, internet addiction and gender. Dr. Kimberley S. Young’s internet addiction test and the aggression scale developed by Km. Roma Pal and Tasneem Naqvi were utilized to collect the data. A total sample of 240 adults in which there are 120 girls and 120 boys were selected from colleges and coaching centers. 3X2 factorial design had been used. For analyzing the data two way ANOVA and mean had been calculated. The effect of gender on aggression was not found to be significant at any level of confidence, but the effect of internet addiction on aggression was found to be significant at the 0.01 level of confidence. Adults with high internet addiction had higher levels of aggression, and adults with low internet addiction had lower levels of aggression.


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How to Cite

Shivam, & Kanak Tomar. (2022). Effect of Internet Addiction on Aggression among Indian Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1201.172