Exploring the Role of Resilience in Enhancing Psychological Well Being Among Indian Home Makers


  • Saloni Gurung Postgraduate Student, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore
  • Dr. Cynthia S James Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, India




Resilience, Psychological wellbeing, Homemakers


Home makers as the name itself indicates are the women who make a home a better place. The one who give up their whole life for her loved ones, overseeing the family matter and household chores. They are the ones creating and preserving peaceful home environment. The current study has been conducted taking into consideration the most important yet often overlooked population of our society-the Home makers. A qualitative research was conducted where the 12 home makers were interviewed with ten semi structured open ended question. Thematic Analysis was used in order to identify the themes, such as: loneliness and isolation, physical strain, stress, self-confidence, spiritual practices and family and social support. The result of the study showed that the home makers when faced challenges in their lives, loneliness, and stressors in such situations, interpersonal relationships and support from family and friends acted as resilient factors, enhancing their psychological well-being. Along with this, homemakers’ self-confidence is a significant factor of resilience, strengthening their psychological well-being.


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How to Cite

Saloni Gurung, & Dr. Cynthia S James. (2022). Exploring the Role of Resilience in Enhancing Psychological Well Being Among Indian Home Makers. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1201.179