Family Environment, Self Concept & Body Image Among School Going & College Going Students


  • Prachi Mittal Clinical Psychologist



Family Environment, Self Concept, Body Image School Going Students, College Going Students


The purpose of this study was to to study the effect of Family Environment on Self concept and Body Image among school going and college going students. The sample for this purposive study was 100 including 50 college going and 50 school going students from institutes of Delhi/NCR. The data was gathered using three scales, namely: Family Environment Scale, Self Concept questionnaire, Body Image Questionnaire. Factual populace of the examination incorporates people in age range between 14-19 years. Data analysis was done. It further concluded that there is no significant relationship between family environment and self concept among school and college going students. And there is no significant relationship between family environment and body image among school and college going students. No significant effect of family environment on self concept and body image among school and college going students was found.


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How to Cite

Prachi Mittal. (2022). Family Environment, Self Concept & Body Image Among School Going & College Going Students. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 12(1).