Impact of Different Facets of Empathy on Pain Perception of College Students from Kolkata


  • Shinjan Ghosh Licensed Clinical Psychologist (A90691), Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Adamas University
  • Oindrila Chakrabarty Masters in Psychology, Amity University, Kolkata, India



Pain, Empathy, Pain Perception, Affective empathy, Cognitive Empathy


Aim: This study explores the role of different facets of empathy on perceived pain among college students in Kolkata. Perceived pain encompasses both physiological and psychological dimensions, influenced by an array of factors. Two primary types of empathy exist: cognitive empathy and affective empathy. While prior research has extensively examined the impact of empathy on understanding others’ pain, this study delves into its effect on an individual’s perception of their own pain. Methods: An ex-post facto- correlational type research design was used and 100 college students in Kolkata were selected through purposive sampling. Perth Empathy Scale (PES) and Bodily and Emotional Perception of Pain Questionnaire (BEEP) were administered to the sample. Results: The findings reveal a significant association between affective empathy and both limitations due to pain and interference with personal and social functioning. Cognitive empathy, however, did not demonstrate a significant relationship with any pain dimension. The study underscores the significance of recognizing the intricate interplay between affective empathy and personal pain perception. The implications extend to understanding pain management and the need for holistic approaches that consider emotional factors. This research also underscores the necessity for further investigation into the relationship between empathy and pain perception, and utilizing it in necessary interventions.


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How to Cite

Shinjan Ghosh, & Oindrila Chakrabarty. (2022). Impact of Different Facets of Empathy on Pain Perception of College Students from Kolkata. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(4).