What Happens After? – Measuring and Comparing the Organizational Role Stress of Front-Line Professionals Post-Pandemic Period


  • Aashna Verma Post Graduate Student, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India




Post Pandemic, Front-Line Professional, Great Resignation, Organizational Role Stress, Role Ambiguity, Medical professionals


Post-pandemic many front-line professionals reported psychological burden, fear, anxiety, depression, job burnout, and increased cases of mass resignation also known as “The Great Resignation”. Therefore, in order to evaluate the current condition of the front-line organizations, the aim of the study is to measure the level of organizational role stress of various front-line professions including transport and other essential delivery services, medical professionals, bank employees, and engineers. The data was collected post covid in 2023 through snowball sampling using Forms and analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s honest significance test with the help of SPSS 27v. The results showed that the role ambiguity was significantly different amongst the four front-line professionals and on further analysis it was found that medical professionals have the highest level of role ambiguity.


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How to Cite

Aashna Verma. (2022). What Happens After? – Measuring and Comparing the Organizational Role Stress of Front-Line Professionals Post-Pandemic Period. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.25215/1104.126