Impact on Development of Children Due to Emerging Trends in Parenting


  • Sejal Sarda Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, MGM University
  • Dr. Pratibha Mehetre Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, MGM University, Aurangabad



Development of Children, Emerging Trends and Parenting


Children are the future of any country. Early childhood development is a very important aspect in once’s life. Development of a child includes person’s physical, cognitive, linguistic and socioeconomical factors. This development happens in various settings such as home, schools, community-based centers etc. But the most prominent setting which affects the development of a child is at home specifically by parents. Different trends in parenting affects the growth of the child. Parenting trends change and evolve according to the time. In the current study the researcher has studied the impact on development of children due to emerging trends in parenting. The age group considered is from 2 to 14 years. In this study different emerging trends in parenting are taken and then it’s effects on development of children is analyzed. This paper provides the evidence-based study of parenting and its influence on child development. To assess these aspects different data was collected from various researches, articles and websites. The conclusion shown from the first objective shows that the parenting style has shifted from authoritarian to permissive style after covid 19. The second objective concluded that there are both positive and negative impact of single parenthood on child development. The results shown from the third objective was that increased used of social media by both parents and children impacts the development of child negatively.


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How to Cite

Sejal Sarda, & Dr. Pratibha Mehetre. (2022). Impact on Development of Children Due to Emerging Trends in Parenting. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(4).