A Study on Shyness Among Secondary School Students in Mysore District


  • Anjali D N Teacher Trainee (B.Ed), BGS B.Ed college, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
  • Sharath Kumar C R Assistant Professor, BGS B.Ed college, Mysore, Karnataka, India.




Shyness, Anxiety, Self-esteem, Psychosocial Difficulties


Everyone is shy –It is the inborn modesty that makes us able to live in harmony with other creatures. It is one thing to assert that shyness is related to self – reports of anxiety, self – esteem, fearfulness etc., In secondary school shyness is a psychosocial difficulty and has negative impacts on children’s all-round development and academic performance. This aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of shyness and reducing psychological difficulties and other impacts. A standardized tool developed by Md. Rafi was used to collect the data. The present study was conducted to know the shyness among secondary school students. Samples of 100 students were selected from Mysore district including Government and private school students of 50 each. After all the data analysis and interpretation, it is found that 7% of the students show not so shy whereas 79% of the students are having moderately shy and 14% of the students found to have extremely shy and the results found that there is no significant differences between Boys and Girls secondary school students with respect to their shyness and also there is no significant differences between government and private secondary school students with respect to their shyness.


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How to Cite

Anjali D N, & Sharath Kumar C R. (2022). A Study on Shyness Among Secondary School Students in Mysore District. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.25215/1104.188