Ensuring LGBT-Affirming Health Care Environments: A Call for Inclusion


  • Ms. Yuma Narah PhD Research Scholar, Dept of Psychology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India
  • Mr. Jimmy Sonam PhD Research Scholar, Dept. of Anthropology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India





Engendering healthcare is a pivotal basic necessity. The Sustainable Development Goals confer the global health community a strategic chance to advance gender equality, human rights, and universal health. Despite grant of rights laid in the Constitution of India, ushering a revolutionary implementation change is fanciful. The ubiquitous asymmetric power dynamics, gender inequities, & other intersecting social issues frequently leaves the minority powerless, disenfranchised, and vulnerable. The paper thus attempts to explore healthcare barriers amongst the most marginalised section of society with regard to gender & sex, who face numerous health inequities viz-a-viz accessibility and quality care. The current study is an attempt to explore the prevailing state of medical education, training and knowledge specifically related to clinical competence for LGBT healthcare in Arunachal Pradesh. Besides, using quantitative scales and secondary sources, various key informants from the health sectors have been interviewed using case studies methods and non-participant observation for data collection. The study reveals that religion and culture play a vital role in acceptance of LGBT community and sensitization. In addition, in order to lessen healthcare disparities within the LGBT population, the clinical competency gap in medical education needs to be closed. Creating LGBT affirmative healthcare while being sensitive to culturally particular requirements, sensitivities, and obstacles that differ globally is another aspect of providing for the health needs of LGBT patients. The suggestive measures for which have also been discussed.


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How to Cite

Ms. Yuma Narah, & Mr. Jimmy Sonam. (2022). Ensuring LGBT-Affirming Health Care Environments: A Call for Inclusion. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.25215/1104.212