A Review: Relatedness of Self-efficacy in Women’s Life


  • Ankita Singh Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences, Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur
  • Sushmita Mazumdar Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences, Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur




Women, Self-efficacy, lifestyle


Changes have been happening. New challenges bring new openings with decisive constraints. Men and women are both in some way equivalently residing and aiming for their worthy goals. Women broadly work more than anyone, there is not even a comparison. They balance everything with generosity, yet they face few situations in which their self-efficacy works on a front foot. Self-efficacy is a belief to move ahead from difficulties with all capacities one has, an understanding and positivity which makes one achieve expectations. Self-efficacy is an important factor in life. Women uplift their personal as well as occupational life with their endeavors. In a Refurbished world, women achieved different roles in every field. Though some agonize over societal mindsets and discriminations.  The Review aims to amplify and speculate that self-efficacy augmented females’ decisions, boosted their mobility, and their optimistic beliefs that they can balance their responsibilities towards family and society. Self-efficacy exclusively entails every aspect of women’s lives i.e., personal, emotional, occupational, psychological, and even intimacy, etc. Women need to learn and practice their supplementary self-efficacy strengthening.


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How to Cite

Ankita Singh, & Sushmita Mazumdar. (2022). A Review: Relatedness of Self-efficacy in Women’s Life. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1102.064