A Blur Connection in Cognition, Psychology and Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning


  • Hillol Biswas Independent (Cognitive Science and Consciousness Research)




Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Research


This paper discusses psychology and contemporary studies in the backdrop of neuro-instruments, computational paradigms, and artificial intelligence & machine learning techniques. There has been a historical connection with psychology, primarily cognitive, albeit, where pioneers initially shared their interests in both fields. As the advent in both the subjects unfolded, neuro-instruments and the corresponding images provided a broader scope of understanding the mind while both kept growing side by side. Hence, it is projected that in the future, with concurrent and appropriate use of these, the trend will likely become more noticeable and distinct, allowing us to reveal the unrealized potential of the mind and its range, which has been a natural search among us since the birth of civilization.


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How to Cite

Hillol Biswas. (2022). A Blur Connection in Cognition, Psychology and Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/1102.179