Construction And Standardization of a Parental Involvement Scale


  • Bandipa Gogoi PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Dibrugargh University
  • Dr. Sailendra Bhuyan Associate Professor, Department of Education, Dibrugargh University



Parental Involvement, Construction, Standardization


Parental involvement in early stages of learning is an important factor in students’ learning and success in school and in life. Parental involvement is generally defined as parental involvement in their children’s educational process with the goal of improving their academic and social well-being. This includes supporting and monitoring homework at home, attending school activities and parent-teacher interaction sessions, communicating with teachers, volunteering at school and working with the community (Deegoda The purpose of this paper is to develop and standardize a Parental Involvement Scale (PIS) for Secondary school students. For item analysis, the draft scale was administered to a sample of 200 people. The scale was prepared in two versions: English and Assamese. The final scale had 55 items spread across six areas of parental involvement. The Reliability of the English version scale was found to be .823 and the Assamese version was found to be .953.The investigator showed the Parental Involvement Scale to a number of experts seeking judgment on the coverage of the constructs to determine the validity of the scale.


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How to Cite

Bandipa Gogoi, & Dr. Sailendra Bhuyan. (2022). Construction And Standardization of a Parental Involvement Scale. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(2).