The Mindset to Change One’s Gender: A Short Academic Literature Review to Build Social Awareness


  • Dr. Phillip D. Clingan Criminal Justice Department, Pierce College, Washington, USA



Gender change, dysphoria, transgender, LGBTQ community


The issue of gender change is a critical topic in society that most scholars are shy to discuss and investigate. Gender change is attributed to gender dysphoria, which occurs when people feel that the assigned genders do not match what they feel on the inside. Several factors indicate signs of gender change. People seek to express their gender change in diverse ways, including speech, dressing, relationships, and surgical modifications of sexual genitals. Some take supplements to make them more affiliated with their gender identity. This study explores factors that promote gender change. Qualitative research on gender change among children will help fill the gap in the prevalence of gender dysphoria among children and teenagers.


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How to Cite

Dr. Phillip D. Clingan. (2022). The Mindset to Change One’s Gender: A Short Academic Literature Review to Build Social Awareness. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1).