Perceived Incompetence: A Study of the Impostor Phenomenon among Sport Performers


  • Amisha Singh Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Delhi
  • Mandeep Kaur Arora Associate Professor, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi



Sports, impostor phenomenon, performance, well-being, thriving, sport performers


The impostor phenomenon is a pervasive psychological experience of perceived intellectual and professional fraudulence. It is not a diagnosable condition yet observed in clinical and normal populations. Although the impostor phenomenon (IP) has been noted in several populations, literature is sparse focusing on sport performers. Using a survey design with a quota sample of 31 sport performers, this study found an overall moderate IP experience among sport performers with an overall mean score of 2.9387 (SD = .52721).  Further, no significant differences were found in male and female sport performers on the impostor phenomenon. Additional group differences were observed in the levels of the Imposter phenomenon in different family structures (joint, nuclear, and single-parent families). However, the significance of these differences is yet to be explored. Nonetheless, these findings indicate that the nature of family dynamics may have some association with the development of the Imposter phenomenon. Implications and future directions are discussed.


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How to Cite

Amisha Singh, & Mandeep Kaur Arora. (2022). Perceived Incompetence: A Study of the Impostor Phenomenon among Sport Performers. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1).