Effect of KPOP Music on the Individuals’ Anxiety Symptoms and Emotional Regulation


  • Mehak Sharma Student of B.A. (H) Applied Psychology, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India




Music, KPOP, Anxiety Symptoms, Emotional Regulation, Mood, Regulation


Music has been said to have a certain type of healing powers and since has been the self-regulatory tool for humans since a very long time and now have been medically and psychologically recognized as a therapy for psychological disorders and issues (Fischer and Boer, 2010). This research aims at studying the influence of music on the individual’s anxiety symptoms and emotional regulation of females who listen to KPOP. 266 female participants lying within the age group of 19 – 24 participated in this study from which 132 belonged to the control group and 132 belonged to the experimental group. The experimental group was told to listen to KPOP music for 2 weeks continuously. Beck’s Anxiety Inventory and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire was used and the results were calculated by using the Independent Sample T Test ; Mann Whitney U Test. The results revealed that listening to KPOP Music has a significant positive effect on the anxiety symptoms and emotional regulation strategy of an individual.


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How to Cite

Mehak Sharma. (2022). Effect of KPOP Music on the Individuals’ Anxiety Symptoms and Emotional Regulation. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1101.076