Impact of Marital Status on Desire for Social Freedom and Life Satisfaction among Women


  • Partishtha Jind, Haryana, India



Social Freedom, Life Satisfaction, Married Women, Unmarried Women


The main aim of the present research was to examine the impact of marital status on desire for social freedom and life satisfaction among women of Jind district. It was hypothesized that there is significant mean difference between married ; un-married women on desire for social freedom and life satisfaction. The sample of the study comprised of 100 urban women (50 working and 50 non-working) of Jind District in Haryana. To collect the required data, “Women Social Freedom Scale developed by Bhusan, (1987)” which consists of 24 items and “life satisfaction scale developed by Dr. Promila Singh and George Joseph (2005)” which consists of 35 statements were administered on all participants. The obtained data was analyzed with the help of Percentages, Mean, SD and ‘t’ test. Result showed that most women of the total sample had average level of social freedom and high level of life satisfaction.  It was also found that Un-married women had more social freedom than women.


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How to Cite

Partishtha. (2022). Impact of Marital Status on Desire for Social Freedom and Life Satisfaction among Women. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1).