The Relationship between Personality Factors and Relationship Satisfaction of Roommates


  • Mahima Makhija Counselling Psychology Postgraduate, Amity University
  • Neeri Batra PhD. Scholar, SGT University
  • Amanat Bansal Psychology Graduate, Boston University



Personality, Relational Satisfaction, Roommates, Compatibility


Students find it exhilarating to leave the comfort of their homes in pursuit of better educational or professional prospects. For many individuals, this shift from dependence to complete independence comes with an increased sense of responsibility to which they are not accustomed. Finding a compatible roommate is one of the primary challenges that students encounter. The previous pool of literature examines the factors that play a role in finding a suitable partner in intimate relationships. One of the most prevalent factors that determine Relationship Satisfaction in Intimate Relationships is Physical Attraction. Sangrador,, (2000) indicate that the Physical Attractiveness of the other person is the principal factor in interpersonal relationships, and is linked both to feelings and thoughts associated with love and to satisfaction with the relationship. However, research in the domain of platonic interpersonal relationships. Our research has highlighted four domains that significantly impact the formation and satisfaction of platonic interpersonal relationships, especially, roommate relationships namely, Warmth, Academic Competence, Competitiveness, and Social Potency. These variables entail sub-factors which are described in the paper. We created an online survey questionnaire named “Codee Compatibility Inventory- Roommates (CCI-R),” that assesses the aforementioned factors. The items of the questionnaire were derived from well-established questionnaires of BIG-5 and MPQ. Data from 159 pairs (N=318) of college students and the millennial workforce was gathered. The findings of this study show the relationship between the four prime personality domains and the satisfaction among roommates staying together.


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How to Cite

Mahima Makhija, Neeri Batra, & Amanat Bansal. (2022). The Relationship between Personality Factors and Relationship Satisfaction of Roommates. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1).