Digital Well-Being in Modern World
Digital well-being, Emotional health, Technology and App.Abstract
Everyone understands that digital well-being is a term used to describe the impact of technologies and digital services on people’s mental, physical, social and emotional health. Over the years mostly all are seen getting indulged in more and more technology and people from all age groups are found taking more interest in their digital wellbeing. Actually, in digital well-being there are features which show application dashboards through which everyone can understand about the time usage, how much time is spent using any particular App. Social media is found to be having negative impacts on psychological well-being including mobile addiction, social isolation, and social media addiction (Dragana Ostic, 2021). In view of this there is an increased need for digital detox interventions which have shown to have a significant reduction in stress, improved sleep and overall improved mental health (Radtke, 2015). Furthermore, digital wellness enables users to be more productive, engaging in activities that can help foster healthy digital habits such as improved social relationships, reduced burnout and decreased screen time (Anrijs, 2018). According to world Health organization (WHO), there is no health without mental health and since human productivity is largely dependent on their mental health; if individual wants to maintain digital well-being, they should control the usage of digital devices. Nowadays digital well-being is important as people are spending more and more time on their smartphones, laptops, streaming setups and other devices that they use daily, either for work or for fun. In that case it is need of an hour to give importance to the concept of digital well-being and limit the digital usage to work and healthy fun only.Metrics
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How to Cite
Arul Joseph E., & Padmasundari S. (2022). Digital Well-Being in Modern World. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1).