Analysis of Stress Level from Voice Sample and Psychological Factors


  • Subhankar Mazumdar P.G. Student, Department of Forensic Science, Parul Institute of Applied Science, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  • PraveshCharan Isai Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Science, Parul Institute of Applied Science, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India



Stress level, psychological effect, voice sample, voice stress, speech, emotional diamond concept.


The main goal of this research is to look at the effects of psychological stress (both positive and negative stress) on human articulation. The estimation of several voice parameters is used in both of these analyses. The results of the psychological stress studies show that the influence of stress on humans affects all of the voice parameters. The research technique included the use of a speech database containing recorded items, as well as systematically varying deception and stress levels. In this research paper will also analyses the threat pattern which will be on conceptual basis of the subject to understand the psychological behavior and emotional behavior of the subject. The frequency, pitch and intensity of the voice sample are analyzed by various software; comparing the taken sample with the standard sample. According to the psychological studies, the basic standard pattern of voice frequency is +70-80Hz and the wave pattern above that are taken as suspicious pattern. The psychology study of emotional diamond is also been used in this paper which is been on the theoretical concept where mood of the subjects is also been observed; the stress level, anger, emotional stress etc. The voice readings in this research are taken as minimum and maximum volume which are compared with the standard wavelength. The stress level of male and female are been differentiated from this experiment. The level of stress because of different psychological mood changes and particular note patterns have been observed.


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How to Cite

Subhankar Mazumdar, & PraveshCharan Isai. (2022). Analysis of Stress Level from Voice Sample and Psychological Factors. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1).