Effectiveness of Reminiscence Therapy on Levels of Depression Among Elderly at Old Age Home, Tirupathi A.P.


  • Miss. Tiyari. Kalpana MSc (Nursing) Dept. of Mental health Nursing, Sri Padmavathi Mahila VisvaVidyalayam, Tirupati, A.P, India




Dementia, geriatric depression, old age, reminiscence therapy.


Reminiscence therapy has been known to provide relief against depression, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Reminiscence is highly associated with pleasure, security, health, and a feeling of belonging to a place. The positive ability (to recall good things, be prepared for death, and be able to solve problems) and negative ability (to reminisce about sad and profound events) are both significantly associated with psychological well-being among the elderly The difference between reminiscence and life review is discussed. There are sections that look at the clinical role of Reminiscence therapy in the management of patients with dementia and geriatric depression. The role of art therapy as a form of Reminiscence therapy is discussed and elaborated. The existing literature on RT is reviewed, and certain recommendations for Reminiscence therapy are made. There is also a slight deliberation on the need for Reminiscence therapy in Indian settings. A comparison of the variations in the interpretations of reminiscence therapy treatment mechanisms and their impacts will also be discussed. The ultimate goal of this paper is to highlight the current trends in the use of reminiscence therapy in treatment of depression in the elderly.


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How to Cite

Miss. Tiyari. Kalpana. (2022). Effectiveness of Reminiscence Therapy on Levels of Depression Among Elderly at Old Age Home, Tirupathi A.P. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.25215/1101.173