Body-Esteem Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being among Yoga Practitioners


  • Joshin Johnson Kristu Jayanti College Bangalore Karnataka, India
  • Dr. Deepthi Vijayan Kristu Jayanti College Bangalore Karnataka, India



Body-esteem, Quality of life, psychological well-being, yoga


The present study was conducted to examine the Body-esteem, Quality of life and psychological well-being among yoga practitioners and non-yoga practitioners. This was a Quantitative research study in which the data were collected from yoga practitioners and non-yoga practitioners. The sample consist of 170 participants (N= 170, 71 yoga practitioners and 91 non-yoga practitioners) from Bangalore and Kerala who were above the age range of 25 and below 45. Purposive sampling method was used in this study to identify the sample from the population. The Body-esteem of participants was assed using Body-esteem (BES). Quality of life of the participants was assessed using with Quality of life (QOL) and the psychological well-being of the participants was assessed using the psychological well-being (PWB). The significance of the hypotheses was evaluated using Pearson correlation coefficient analysis and independent sample t test. Results revealed that there was a positive correlation between Body-esteem Quality of life and psychological well-being and also found that there is no significant difference in each variable among yoga practitioners and non-yoga practitioners.


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How to Cite

Joshin Johnson, & Dr. Deepthi Vijayan. (2022). Body-Esteem Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being among Yoga Practitioners. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 11(1).