Projective tests in human resource management and hiring process: a challenge and a boon


  • Janetius S.T Principal, St. John College, Dimapur, Nagaland
  • Pooja Varma Assistant Professor of Psychology, Jain University, Bangalore
  • Shilpa S Business Analyst, Dubai



Projective Tests, Psychological Tests, Selection and Hiring Process, Psychology and HRM, Organizational psychology.


Industrial and organizational psychology plays a major role in human resource management (HRM).  From the selection of a candidate to promotion, psychology is applied, mainly in the form of testing and assessment. Even though a lot of care has been taken in selecting the right candidate for the right job, many organizations realize hiring mistakes after some time. This is mainly because psychological measurement tools can be easily manipulated by candidates; also, social desirability affects the responses. Personal interviews fail to gauge the right intention of candidates and the inner dynamics remains hidden, making the selection process hard. The objective of this paper is to propose projective tests as a tool to overcome some of the common problems faced by human resource personnel in the hiring process.


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How to Cite

Janetius S.T, Pooja Varma, & Shilpa S. (2022). Projective tests in human resource management and hiring process: a challenge and a boon. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 7(4). 10.25215/0704.027