Impact of perceived parental acceptance – rejection on self-esteem among college students of Ranchi University, Ranchi


  • Nazim Imam Ph.D. Research Scholar, University Department of Psychology. Ranchi University, Ranchi
  • Dr. Shashi Kala Singh (Retd.) Associate Professor, University Department of Psychology, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand




The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of perceived parental acceptance – rejection on self-esteem among college students of Ranchi University, Ranchi. It was hypothesized that college students who perceive parental acceptance will have high level of self-esteem than their counterpart who perceive parental rejection. The sample of the study comprised of 171 college going students (91 who perceived parental acceptance and 80 who perceived parental rejection), selected from various degree colleges of Ranchi University, Ranchi on the basis of PARQ score. Hindi Adaptation of Rohner’s Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire, (PARQ, Prakash and Bhargava, 1978, Adult Form) used to identify parentally accepted and rejected students. To collect the required data for the present study Self-Esteem Inventory (Prasad and Thakur, 1977) was administered on all subjects. The obtained data were analyzed with the help of Mean, SD and ‘t’ test. Result showed that parentally accepted students had better level of self-esteem in comparison to the parentally rejected students. On the basis of obtained result, it was also concluded that self-esteem is affected by parental behavior.


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How to Cite

Nazim Imam, & Dr. Shashi Kala Singh. (2022). Impact of perceived parental acceptance – rejection on self-esteem among college students of Ranchi University, Ranchi. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 7(4). 10.25215/0704.083