Social intelligence and self-esteem among working and non-working women


  • Dr. Hosamani Marilingappa Asst Prof of psychology, PG Coordinator, Maharani Women’s Art’s, Commerce and Management College



Social Intelligence, Self-Esteem


The study was conducted on 100 women, working and non-working women (N=50 each) to measure the difference of social intelligence among working and non-working women, to measure the difference of self-esteem among working and non-working women, and to measure the correlation between social intelligence and self-esteem. The sample group which was selected validates the first hypothesis which states “There is significant difference in social intelligence among working and non-working women.” The group also validates the second hypothesis which states that “There is significant difference in self-esteem among working and non-working women.” The sample group does not validate the third hypothesis which states that “There is no significant difference between social intelligence and self-esteem among working and non-working women.” The groups reject the fourth hypothesis which states that “Social intelligence and self-esteem are high in working women than non-working women”


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How to Cite

Dr. Hosamani Marilingappa. (2022). Social intelligence and self-esteem among working and non-working women. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 7(4). 10.25215/0704.104