Development and Validation of PUBG Addiction Test (PAT)


  • Lancy D’Souza Associate Professor of Psychology, Maharaja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysore-570 005, India
  • Manish S II SS, M.Sc. Student, DOS in Psychology, University of Mysore, Mysore-570 005, India
  • Deeksha S IV SS B.A., Student, JEPSY, Maharaja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysore-570005, India



PUBG, Internet, Addiction, Adolescents, Adults


The present study aims at the construction and validation of a questionnaire to measure the extent of addiction towards PUBG among the young adolescents and middle age groups. Due to ease of access and cheap availability of internet along with unrestricted usage of smartphones, there has been an increase in pathological use of technology and many growing young minds are found to suffer from psycho-physiological symptoms. The authors framed 55 statements and collected data randomly from 494 individuals from diverse fields and age groups. Subsequent to initial face validation, the questionnaire, which was subjected to 494 individuals, only responses from 455 respondents were considered for the development of PAT, after filtering the inventories for completeness and erratic answering. Later, the data were subjected to Factor Analysis and 7 components were derived, which included components like disengagement, lack of control, excessive use, obsession, distress, escapism and over enthusiasm & impulsive use. The total variance explained in this inventory was 54.94%. To find out the reliability, the Cronbach’s reliability test was done and the alpha value obtained for the total inventory was 0.912 and for various components varied from .501 to .822. Further, when item to total scores correlations were performed; all the correlation coefficients obtained through Pearson’s product moment correlation techniques were found to be highly significant, indicating that the PAT has high reliability and validity. Even the correlation coefficients obtained between components were found to be highly significant.


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How to Cite

Lancy D’Souza, Manish S, & Deeksha S. (2022). Development and Validation of PUBG Addiction Test (PAT). International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 7(1).