Organizational Role Stress among Women Working in different Professions


  • Dr. Tarlika L. Zalawadia



Organizational Role Stress scale


In the present study an attempt was made to examine organizational role stress among women working in different professions. The sample of the study consisted of 480 working women out of which 120 were clerks, 120 were college teachers, 120 were school teachers and 120 were nurses. The tool used for the study was organizational Role Stress Scale (ORS) developed by Udai Pareek. Statistical technique like t-test was used to examine the impact of type of profession of working women on their organizational role stress. Results saws that type of profession has significant effect on organizational role stress among working women. Women working as nurse significantly differed from all the other groups of working women and nurses experienced highest level of organizational role stress. On the other hand school teachers experienced less amount of role stress as compared to college teachers, clerks and nurses.


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How to Cite

Dr. Tarlika L. Zalawadia. (2022). Organizational Role Stress among Women Working in different Professions. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 7(1). 10.25215/0701.122