Life satisfaction of youngest daughters in West Jaintia hills district, Meghalaya


  • Balarishisha Lyngdoh MSc Counselling psychology, Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, India
  • Dr. Porsara Mesha J Kharbhih Professor, Psychology Department, Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong, India



Life Satisfaction, Youngest Daughters, Experiences, Factors Encountered


This study explored the Life Satisfaction of the youngest daughters in West Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya. It explored the different experiences encountered by the youngest daughters and the factors that contributed to their different experiences. This study comprised of 30 respondents from age 21 to 60 years. In-depth Interview is used. Findings indicated that most of the youngest daughters are happy and find it helpful for them in their daily life, however some of the individuals faced hard-time experiences with the responsibilities they have to take. The factor led to hard time experiences is because of financial problems and not receiving enough support from the family and for those who are content, it was because their family members are willing to help.


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How to Cite

Balarishisha Lyngdoh, & Dr. Porsara Mesha J Kharbhih. (2022). Life satisfaction of youngest daughters in West Jaintia hills district, Meghalaya. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(4).