Painkillers: necessity or habit


  • Mrs. Bhagyashree Kulkarni HOD and Assistant Professor – Department of Forensic Psychology, Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  • Miss. Aloma Castelino S.Y. BSc Student, Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  • Miss. Sanchita Aher S.Y. BSc Student, Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
  • Miss. Tripti Singh S.Y. BSc Student, Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.



Painkiller, Addiction, Work pressure, Physical Dependence, Habit formation, Tolerance


Painkiller, an analgesic drug, relieves pain and has become addiction for some individuals, giving rise to other side effects. To explain these effects of consumption of painkillers due to work pressure and physical dependence as a necessity or a habit in the age group, 30-55 years in men and women of City (Mumbai) and Village (Junnar), a pilot research work based on Case Study and Survey Method (i.e. projective test) was conducted. After studying this work and calculating the scores, effects were compared by differentiating it into high score indicating less addiction and low score as more addiction towards painkillers. The subjects from city have low tolerance towards pain due to daily lifestyle leading into habit formation as they had high scores; whereas by avoiding painkillers, the rural settlement hold high tolerance towards pain. It was observed that, city people have lack of confidence to continue working without painkillers and also were marked with side-effects on their body; whereas village individuals neglected the pain and worked effectively. This concluded that, more addiction towards painkillers of individuals from city perspective than individuals from rural settlements. It was found from the survey that there is a great need of awareness amongst people from city places to avoid the usage of painkillers on regular basis and indulge them into the usage of home remedies and increase their tolerance level towards baring pain by showing them this comparative study between the difference observed in the city places and rural area.


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How to Cite

Mrs. Bhagyashree Kulkarni, Miss. Aloma Castelino, Miss. Sanchita Aher, & Miss. Tripti Singh. (2022). Painkillers: necessity or habit. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(4).