Academic stress and self efficacy in relation to study habits among adolescents
Academic stress, Self-Efficacy, Study habit, AdolescentsAbstract
Human beings are known as the creature of habits which is one of the prominent attributes of character. The term study habit has been used to mean various methods, activities and practices adopted by the adolescence in their schools and studies. Adolescence is the most important period of human life. Every teacher and parent must know about the nature and changes emerging in transition period from childhood to adulthood. They must also know the various problems fraught with developmental characteristics to deal effectively with problems of adolescents. It is also necessary for them to be familiar with casual factor of the problems of adolescents. So that proper individual, educational and vocational guidance may be provided for adequate adjustment in the society. Today’s children are in enigma. Their growth and development are modulated, moderated and determined, disillusioned, disturbed and damped. They are in a real predicament. If these external forces are in tune with their in-built skills and aspirations their growth becomes natural and exciting otherwise it can cause havocs. In a developing country like India, we cannot afford to waste out precious resources, in the name of academic stress. Something needs to be done to save the students from its oppressive grip so as to enable them to function in a congenial environment and deliver the best of their potentialities.Metrics
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How to Cite
Shivi Pathak. (2022). Academic stress and self efficacy in relation to study habits among adolescents. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(3).