A study of adjustments problem of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe +2 students


  • Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Guest lecturer, PTEC, Sherghati Gaya, Bihar, India




Scheduled Tribal, Scheduled Caste, Adjustment Problem, Socioeconomic Status


The socio-economic status (SES) of the family influences the cognitive development, identity building, moral development, socio-emotional development, and all other characteristics of the individual. Among socio-economic status level the income, education, and occupation are important indices. Indian society is based on caste, language, religion and regions. In Varn-vyvastha the society is divided in four classes on the basis of their ‘Karm’. They are Brahmin, Khchhtry, Vaishya and Sudra. After independence, to transform the society for the welfare of weaker section, some regulations have been provided in Indian constitution. Besides Fundamental Rights, the Directive Policy of state government have also been mentioned as a separate chapter. Notwithstanding to the Indian caste have been grouped as Forward, Backward and Scheduled Castes/Tribes (Joshi, P. (1968). Further other backward castes (OBC) have been included in reservation, Recently, NDA government made provision of scheduled caste and scheduled Tribal which includes Choudhary, munda, tana bhagat,orawan, santhall ,birhor , Halalkhore, Dome and Bhunya to provide them better amenities for their all round development. Considering the issue of scheduled caste and scheduled Tribal and students groups, the present researcher thinks it proper to study of adjustment problem   of scheduled caste and scheduled Tribal +2 students groups. The study is very useful as the main objective is to contribute the findings for the welfare of scheduled caste and scheduled Tribal students.


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How to Cite

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan. (2022). A study of adjustments problem of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe +2 students. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(1). https://doi.org/ 10.25215/0801.075